Saturday, July 3, 2010

Final Moments in Seattle - JUN 11-17 2010

Exams were over.
Most of the NTU students had left for East Coast (New York, Philadalphea etc.).
My closest friends, Mark, Andy, Daryl, all had their own programs.
Mark was with Suhui, Andy was with his dad. Daryl was with Candice.
Left only Wendy and me.
Found her rather irritating all along. Haha.
But the last 8 days spent with her proved to be ones where stronger friendship is forged. She was my only consolation. She became a friend, a confidante, a mother, a match-maker wannabe. Really appreciated her company, time, putting up with my nonsense, thoughtfulness, introduction of new friends.

June 12, Saturday: Whitewater Rafting
Was really fortunate not to have missed this wonderful trip. Almost passed this trip to go for a small-scale triathlon event 100 miles away.
From this trip I made new friends, young and old.
No photos were taken for this trip but the memories are profound.
The weather was perfect. Strong sun with no clouds. Temperatures around 18 degrees C.
Took a 2.5 hours drive to reach the rapids.
Despite the weather, the waters in Norther Americas were always cold. It was probably around 10 degrees C.
From the gathering point, we took a a 30min ride upstream of the rapids in a chartered bus.
Then we set into the waters. Was in the same boat as Wendy, Stephanie, Yi En, Jill and 2 other ang moh lady friend of Jill's. The guide was a big white and fat man who was lazy. While other guides were fooling around with their boat people, ours preferred to sit back and chat with the white ladies. Mostly high-tea talks. Sian. While the rest of guides played games that tricked the people into falling into the waters. Wendy and I had to specially request to jump into the cold waters ourselves. Haha. Damn losers.
After a 1.5 hours of rapids, we were finally ashore. Tired but extremely satisfied. They provided meals. Wolfed down 3 pieces of steak. Think nothing comes better than a good steak after a tiring work out. It was simply perfect. The sun was still shining bright, the weather was warm, the grass was clean, the mountains behind summed up as backdrop. The 11 of us (9 Asian kids + 2 white girls) formed one circle on the grass and ate together. Reminded me of my dragonboat days. A good meal after a hard training.

June 13: Strawberry Jam making / Lawn mowing / Big Bike riding
It was Sunday. Had nothing to do again. Was contemplating against going over to Jill's for strawverry jam making but really had nothing to do. Had no interest in jam making. Would have been great if I were doing it with my loved one but definitely not with a bunch of girls. So awkward. Went to mow the lawn with Jill instead. Haha.
Think she fell in love with me. Haha. Seems like no one had helped her mow the lawn in a long long while. Kept saying she wanted to adopt me as son and commenting on the body I carried. Super comical. Haha.

The Gardener

Jill and I

Came evening, Dick (Jill's hubby) brought us to Chittenden Locks.
Chittenden Locks is a water channeling port that seperates Washington Lake's fresh water from the Pacific Ocean's salt water. It controls incoming and outgoing vessels from the lake. An engineering marvel more than a century old. Pretty cool seeing the salmons swim upstream.

Vessels holding point. Channels vessels in and out of Lake Washington

Fresh water flowing into the sea.

June 14, Monday: Alki Beach
Alki Beach is a short beach strip on West Seattle.
Takes about an hour's bus ride to reach. Nothing fantastic about the beach. A rather plain one in fact. But the company was fantastic. Originally, it was an outing only for Wendy, Christine and myself. Managed to convince Steph and Manni to come along. Man, were they prepared. We brought some egg sandwiches. They came with cold drinks box and a variety of sanwiches prepared by Jill and Dick. So sweet of them =)
Upon reaching the beach, we were pretty turned off by the number of people on the beach. Lack of peace of privacy. Anyways, we managed to find a pretty good spot with both privacy and convenience. Good sun, strong sea breeze, warm sand, fantastic sandwich, cold drinks, good music coupled with great company made the entire experience an awesome one. Had a really good time just laying on the sand and sleeping away. Superb.

Bunch of good company. From left: Christine, Stephie, Manni, Wendy, Greg

Plain looking Alki Beach

June 15, Tuesday: Seattle Premium Outlet
Nothing happending much today except for a quick trip to the outlet mall.
Finally bought a Caphalon Santoku, Katana series for Mom. Felt so happy =)
Ended the busy day pang seh-ing the girls to meet Stacy. Had no choice. Finally had the chance to meet Stacey to thank her for her help in MSE 342. Wouldn't have passed without her books.

Stacey, Greg

June 16, Wednesday: Packing and sending off day
Nothing much for today except that Christine was leaving. Stephanie needed to have her stuff shifted into her new apartment, and I, had to move out of my apartment. Went through the moving-out process with the leasing agent. Had to bunk in with Wendy for the night. I took her bed while she took Daryl's bed. Stephanie and Manni returned to Jill's place for the night. Last time I saw them. Sad. Haha.
Had a HTHT with Wendy at night. Really, really, really grateful to her for accomodating and spending the pass few days together with me.

Terry Hall Entrance: Wendy, Christine, Stephanie

June 17, Thursday: Departure for Amtrak
It is the day of my departure.
Woke up early morning. Had to carry 3 check-in bags, 1 laptop bag and 1 huge backpack. Initially I was still thinking that I might be able to handle it alone. Luckily Wendy was sending me off, had her assistance for the journey to the station. She was really really helpful. Just as I stepped out of the University West's door, one of the wheels of the luggage, that Josh gave me, snapped. Had to lug it all the way to the station. Every minute that I carried the luggage was a torture. Had to lug along my backpack and another luggage on top of that spoilt one. It was madness. Finally reached

Amtrak Station: Greg, Wendy

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beautiful San Juan Islands - Marathon JUN 05-06 2010

Incredible View at Abandoned Harbor

Photo captured less 1% of what was seen, felt, experienced.


Simple bike I used for touring

Day 1: June 05 2010, Saturday
Took an early ferry to San Juan Islands form Pier 69.
Quite an interesting 4-hour ride. Thought I saw some big marine creature, but couldn't confirm. Anyway, I saw this big fat sea-lion-like mammal lying on the bouy. Interesting.
Met a new friend on board. Think her name was Ally. A 30 year-old social worker from New York. Interesting character. Talked the most weird stuff.
Reached San Juan Islands.
Checked into cosy Wayfarer's Rest. It was kind of different from the rest. It was a self check-in inn.
Spent the next 5 hours cycling more than half the island. The island was incredible. Scenic is an understatement.
There several hotspots of Orca(Killer Whales) sightings. Free. But I was feeling too cold and tired to stay for long. Was told the Orca pod would arrive around 7pm. It was then 4+pm. But getting cold already. I had cycled really alot then. And was really cold and worn out. Turned back towards Wayfarer's Rest instead. Super tiring. Each slope that I went up, I walked. Haha. Really shagged. Saw the mini airfield. Reminded me of the days in Tamworth. Really simple, but incredibly beautiful.

Every other household had their own animals. But this white horse stood out a little more.

Wild deers grazing front yards of unsuspecting households

Day 2: June 06 2010, Sunday - Day of Marathon
Was not the best of weather for a marathon. Kind of gloomy and wet. Rained quite an amount in the morning. However, it stopped the upon flag off. Quite a pleasant surprise. Ran a decent time of 4:36. Realised I had cycled the entire Marathon route the day before. How funny. Haha.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Memorial Weekend MAY 29-31 2010

Spent the long weekend in Seattle with Mark.
The rest had gone Portland for the outlet mall shopping, yet again.

Went Northgate. Bought special items. Haha.
Caught Shrek 4 - Forever After.

Bellevue. The land of the rich. The entire place was pretty boring. The hotels and the shopping centers reminded me of Paragon, the atas category.

Did not go out today. Did my final conditioning run for the upcoming San Juan Marathon run. Clocked 21 miles. Felt great.
In the evening, went REI to buy the Gregory backpack.

Miss YSH.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Boeing, Everett Factory Trip MAY 22nd 2010

Nothing was planned for this weekend in particular.
Went Boeing Factory finally.
If not for the factory tour, it was a rather boring place in fact.
The tour allowed us to see the various factory of the 747, 777, 787 production line.
Rather interesting.
Quite a familiar sight, given that I work in a hangar. Haha.
But it was way cooler. Neater. The moving production line was quite awesome.
Unfortunately, no photo was allowed on the factory tour. So not much photos to post.
The funny thing about the factory tour was that, Andy and myself were so engrossed in our own sight-seeing that we were left behind by the tour group. Most would probably know that security is super tight within an aircraft hangar, lest the mother of Boeing. So when they realised we were left behind, security was almost engaged to look for us. Luckily we manage to run up to them before they all board the bus and leave. Haha. One interesting thing that we learnt about the factory was how to operate the lift. Just pressing the "close door" button will not work. There are two "close door" buttons. We have to press and hold it. Until both the exterior gate and the interior gate were closed. Haha.
Some quite interesting photos posted below.

747 Large Cargo Freighter, Dreamlifter

777 by the Tower Control

787, ANA

Boeing Field Runway

Miss YSH.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vancouver Trip MAY 15-17 2010

This is definitely one of the funnest road trip this entire exchange.
Probably a life-changing one too. Haha.
No idea why. But perhaps, it's because I finally see the importance of friends. That there really are people, besides lovers, that I can put my absolute trust in.

Saturday May 15 2010
Usual routine. Woke up before 9 to collect car.
Embarked on the trip for Vancouver around 1030.
A journey spanning 150miles, 2.5 - 3 hours of driving.

About 30 min into the journey, we went for a gas pump. Stopping by at Arby's for the delicious Roast Beef burger too. Arby's really has the best roast beef burgers in the world. Their burgers are 2 fresh and soft bread patties, sandwiching a generous serving of thinly sliced roast (looked and tasted more like steamed) beef. No sauce or veggie added. Just plain burger patties with roast beef. Simple as they are, they bring with it incredible flavor and aroma.

Chicken rice at Yaohan's

Anyway, after another 1.5 hours of drive, we were in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. It was approximately a 20min drive south of Vancouver. Stopped by the Chinatown. It seemed that the entire place was more Chinese than Ang Moh or Canadian. Haha. Then we had lunch at YaoHan (Remember YaoHan Shopping Center at Thomson Road?? Yes it's the same franchise). How nostalgic.

Lady in Wet Suit, Stanley Park

First place we visited in Vancouver was Stanley Park.
Came here previously with Wang Hao, Anthea and Liselle. But it was too beautiful a park to miss. The gigantic maple trees, the humongous bridge, the open sea, the mountainous horizons in the vast expanse of the sea.

Gastown, our next destination.
It is located at the outskirts of downtown, where all the night life are. The buildings are part colonial, part modern. Quite an interesting combination. This place was well-known for it's gas-clock (a steamed-powered clock).

Gas clock (notice the steam at the top)

Saturday May 16 2010

Granville Island was our first destination of the day.
Granville is a small island at the outskirts of downtown Vancouver. It is connected to mainland via a bridge. It was essentially a harbor with a fresh produce market.
We had a little tour of the market. Spent the next few hours at a pier. Really enjoyed the cool breeze, the company, the chat, the crowd, the scene.

Pier at Granville Island. Turning point.

Underside of bridge leading to Granville Island

Saturday May 17 2010
A wonderful last day that we had.
Went to Lynn Canyon Park.
It was a super small portion of a super gigantic national park.
It was really great fun. We had the opportunity to get close with nature. Scale boulders, jump on suspension bridges, hop-rock on river banks, get lost, and drink river water.

Be bear wary.

Pristine clear waters

Suspension Bridge. From Left: Greg, Andy, Mark, Wendy

Miss YSH.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 8th - 9th 2010

May 8th 2010, Saturday
Nothing concrete was planned for today.
Settled for breakfast/lunch with Andy and Mark at a Vietnamese Restaurant in Chinatown, International District.

May 9th, Sunday
Woke up "naturally" today. Funny term invented by Andy. Haha. I usually wake around 830 when the alarm rings. But today, I slept/lai chuang/slept/lai chuang until 11+am. Went out for kayaking in the afternoon. It seems canoe and kayak in US are defined differently from Singapore's. Not very sure what the exact difference are, but canoe in US seems more like an Indian junkboat. Kayaks are the ones that I rowed (shown in video).

Canoe (Indian junkboat look-alike)

To be updated. .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Portland Trip APR 30 - MAY 02 2010

Portland, Oregon
Portland is about 180 miles from Seattle. A tax free state, Seattlites often drop by for a bargain hunt. I actually went once before but that trip(Febuary) was to a rather mediocre outlet mall with nothing much to offer.

Sunday, MAY 02 2010

Went straight to Outlet mall. Like always, saw things which I really wanted to buy for her. But fear of rejection once again drawn me against buying anything. Weak me. Haha.
Finished the shopping by 7pm. Went for dinner at fast food chain, Arby's. Its roast beef burgers were fantastic. One of the best burgers I've eaten in US ever.

Saturday, MAY 01 2010

Weird Portland, From Left: Zelin, Andy, Greg

Woke up early morning to go to the Saturday Market. It was nothing more than a Pasar Malam. Ang mohs are sure interested in stuff like these that many Singaporeans take for granted.
After the market, we went to Powell City of Books. It is the largest Buy-Sell book store in the world. Indeed it was large. Larger than any bookstore I had been to before. But it was definitely not as large as I had previously imagined it to be. It was probably 1.5 times the size of Singapore's MPH building.

Ended our books shopping around 4pm. Headed down straight to Woodburns Outlet Mall to recce the place.

Friday, APR 30 2010

Pon class.
Started the day off early.
Took a lousy Nissan Sentra around 9am. Drove 3+ hours to Portland.
Went to Hawthorne district for a little. Hawthorne is a arty farty street with lots of vintage and artsy stuff. Things they sell includes funny, weird items and vintage record labels. Saw lots of nice pretty stuff. Wanted to buy for her. But decided against it for fear of rejection. =(
Stayed the night at Red Lion Hotel. The hotel was just around the Oregon Convention Center.

Miss YSH.

Karaoke, Tulip Garden, Dim Sum APR 23-25 2010

Dim Sum, APR 25 2010, Sunday

Can't do much with just one day. Can't travel, can't do adventures, can't do anything that is far. Haha. Went for a Dim Sum breakast at Jade Restaurant, Chinatown, International District. It was the second time I had gone there. Food still as good as ever. Beats burger and fries anytime. Guess I'm missing the wonderful foods in Singapore real bad. Spent the rest of the day doing homework, slacking. Dinner at UWest (my original apartment) with Daryl, Wendy and Zelin. Home-cooked curry chicken. Standard only as good as that of Mom's but it sure did make me drool. Haha.

Tulip Garden, APR 24th 2010, Saturday
Annual tulip festival in Skagit, Washington.
Tulips. My favourite flowers. Never dared give her any. Her Mu-Lao-Hu-ness would have swallowed me up if I even breathe a word about it. Haha. =P

Went to 2 places in Skagit.
1. Rosegaard
2. Tulip Garden

Rosegaard was nothing more than a small but well-ornamented tulip garden.
Tulip garden was the creamer. The vast expanse of the tulips were simply breath-taking.

Tulip Garden I

Tulip Garden II

After tulip garden, we went to Red Lobster for dinner. An atas restaurant with an atas price to match. Food quality did not quite match up to standards though.
Red Lobster was my reccommendation again.
Previously, I reccommended Black Angus (steak house). Turn out that the food was not almost always as good as it's reputation suggested. Think the guys are getting wary of me already. Haha!! ;)

Karaoke, APR 23 2010, Friday
Zhu peng gou you managed to convince me to go K with them despite my repeated insistence on staying away from K. Knew well that I would be emo when I start hearing people sing. Truly, I began to emo in the midst of the K session. The songs that she used to sing. The romance the lyrics played. =(

Miss YSH.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sex Class - APR 21 2010

Did I ever mention I'm taking up a very interesting course this Spring?
Psychology - Human Sexuality.

It is probably going to be the most interesting course that I will ever take in life.
They actually play sex video in class!!

Learnt much about the female body. Make me want explore her body so badly. To love her in a different way than before. If only I had taken this course earlier.

Today, they taught pregnancy.
It suddenly dawned onto me why YSH was so awed by Liz's pregnancy.
I learnt it is almost a sacred ritual that all women have to through. And it not just the woman, but her loved ones too. Especially the father of the baby.
I can't imagine myself going through this with any other woman besides her. I want to experience the joys and pains of conception to birth with her and only her. To me, it seems, a woman is most beautiful when she is carrying a baby in her womb.
I wonder when the moment would ever come when I get to see my wife carrying my flesh and blood within her womb.

L.A. Trip APR 18-19 2010

APR 18 2010
Knotts Berry Farm.
A theme park suited more for young children.
Had a boring time over there.

APR 19 2010

Santa Monica Beach I - Vast Beach

Santa Monica Beach II - Jetty View

Santa Monica Beach III - Shoreline

The guys went to Universal Studios. I went to Santa Monica Beach alone.
Was there for like only 2-3 hours but I totally enjoyed every minute of it.
The peace and quiet, the vast expanse of the beach, the cooling sea breeze, the soothing sound of the waves crashing ashore, the clear blue sky, the never-ending reach of the blue ocean.
I had a wonderful time just lying on the sand, tanning, feeling the breeze. Finally understand why there are always so many Ang Mohs love Sentosa beach despite the hot sun. Because they don't get it often in US, especially during winter.
Went to UCLA too. Beautiful school (lacks UW though.)

Reached back home around 12am. Missed Mark.
Haha. He was so happy to us too. Haha.

Monday, April 19, 2010

L.A. Trip APR 17 2010

It is our free & easy day today.

We travelled from Anaheim (Disneyland area) to Long Beach. Apparently they had some Toyota Grand Prix event. So we went all the way up to a Venice Beach instead. Reminded me of Thai beaches even though I have never actually been to any before. The beach itself is full of Latinos with much shophouses like those we might find in a developing country.

I walked like half the entire length of the beach with Daryl. Spent 2 hours over walking and talking on the beach with him.
Reminded of the days I used to spend with her on Sentosa, albeit very brief ones.

Miss YSH.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

L.A. Trip APR 16 2010

Disneyland & California Adventure Park

Disneyland is a dreamland.
Beautiful and magical.
Simply amazing.
Makes me so want to one day bring my loved one over.


Tigger =)

California Park is right next to Disneyland. It is in fact another Disneyland with more thrill rides. Its rides are much milder as compared with 6 Flags though.

California Adventure Park

Saturday, April 17, 2010

L.A. Trip - APR 15-16 2010

APR 15 2010, Thursday.
Turned in very late last night.
Arrived in L.A. around 10pm.
Rented car around 11pm.
Checked into Quality Inn Hotel at Korea Town around 12am.
Supper at a Korean restaurant, BCD Tofu House till 1-2am. (Think I have seriously fallen for Korean food already. Haha.)
Sleep 2-3am.

Then woke up around 9am to go 6 Flags Magic Mountain Theme park.
They have rides of different "thrill-level ratings".
We went to one with "moderate" ratings first.
Unfortunately, on my first ride, I was once again complacent.
Thought the ride was too easy, flinged my hands freely in the air, then happened to strain my neck as the cart took a sharp turn.
Carried a stiff neck for the rest of the day.

6 Flags Magic Mountain was no child's play. It gave me the chance to experience probably the best ride(X2) I ever will have in my life. X2 is a next-generation roller coaster that has 360 degrees rotating seats.
As said, I carried a stiff neck for the entire day. Also, I started feeling nauseous after taking some of the other roller coaster rides.
Reminds me of the time at Liz's baby girl's birthday party at Escape Theme Park.
I had a terrible heahache after like only 2 rides on the Pirate's Ship. Haha.

After 6 Flags, we went to Little Tokyo area for dinner.
Dinner was a simple Japanese meal. The desert however, was fantastic. Yougurt Land has probably the best yougurt I ever tried.

Checked in Wilshire Plaza Hotel (in Korea Town) around 11pm. It was probably a 4-star hotel. Not too bad a hotel. Slept around 2-3am again.

Miss YSH.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mount Rainier, APR 09-13 2010

Have been REALLY REALLY busy the past few days.
Managed only 4-5 hours of sleep per night. Finally able to breathe a little better today.
Here goes.

APR 09, Friday
Pretty mundane day. Last minute decision to go Mount Rainier.
Slept around 3+ am.

Mount Rainier, APR 10, Staurday
Woke up early morning to get car from downtown.
Took about 2 hours + to reach Mount Rainier with one 30-minute breakfast stop.
Real challenging journey. Almost dozed off a handful of times.
Reached Mount Rainier.

Glacier River

Awesome place. Snow appeared as soon as we passed the ticketing entrance.
Plan was to do a 5+ hour trek in the snow. As we drove up. We saw a number of trails. But it turned out that it was not possible to trek without the proper gears (snowshoes). Haha. Ended up playing with snow and simply enjoying the scenery and time spent on the active mountain.


Did a few stupid stuff. Snow was very thick. Besides flinging snow at each other, I kept racing Andy on the snow. Each race always started with Andy cheat starting ahead of count, then me pushing him down. Finally I winning. Haha. Restrooms was not common on the mountains. But each time we went pass a toilet, I passed up the chance to use. I was insistent on peeing on some white pristine snow to see the effects. Er xin. Haha.

Little Snow Figures

APR 11, Sunday
Really shagged from Saturday's silly racing and snow fighting stuff. No strength to go exercise/gymn. Went for lunch with Mark and Andy around 3pm. Finally mustered the motivation to run at Green Lake Park around 630pm. Went back to University West (my original apartment) with Andy and Mark for dinner with Wendy, Daryl and Zelin. Fabulous dinner. Totally missing the dishes in Singapore.

APR 12, Monday
Typical day. Went to school. After school, exercised/slacked/talked cock/relaxed with Mark and Andy. Sleep.

APR 13, Tuesday
Day before L.A. trip. Not exactly excited somehow. Have been there after all. Haha.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Night APR 04 10


It's Easter Sunday!
Snow today was the best since I started skiing/snowboarding.
Powder form. Superb for winter activities.
Apparently I enjoyed the least today. Haha.
Blame it all on MLH. Keep popping up in my mind and heart!! =P
Apparently, this photo was the most enjoyable time of the entire day.

Check out that idiot in the video!

I miss YSH.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Chapter in Life. APR-02-10

It's Friday night.
I am supposedly still waiting for the answer.
But not anymore I guess.
I know what I should do already.

Just returned from Muse concert.
No particular interest in such stuff.
Last minute decision to go.
Needed to take my mind off my love for some time.
Apparently it din't work very well.

Remove Formatting from selection
Check out this Muse Video.

I miss YSH still.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Outlet Mall Outings JAN 23rd - 25th 2010

23rd Jan.
Road travel to Portland, Oregon

Spent an entire day travelling in a van cramped with no less than 15 adults.
Checked into a warm and cosy Super 8 motel.
Nothing eventful except for the late night chat with Mark-Daryl-YX-WangHao till 3 am.

24th Jan.
Shopping at Portland + Return.

Went to the outlet mall.
Turn out to be a small and empty one.
We actually spent one whole day travelling the day prior to come to a deserted outlet with limited brands!!
How interesting. .

The only saving grace was that Portland was TAX-FREE.

Lunched at fast food chain, Wendy's.
Went there because one of the girls had the same name. WENDY's.

Nothing really caught my eye at the outlet except for red Izod jacket that retailed for USD30.
No size was available unfornately.
Spent around USD150 on useless stuff the entire day.

Return trip was kind of boring.
Driver act pro, did not want to use GPS.
Got lost a couple of times.

Jan 25th.
Outing at Seattle premium outlet.

Purpose for this outing was to buy stuff for
But I had something else in mind already.
Did not buy anything for YSH.

But 3 items from Coach though.
1 hand bag for Mom.
1 pouch for Angie
1 pouch for Joyce.
Budget was not really an issue but turn out that total cost was less than USD200.
What a bonus.
Wanted to buy Coach bag for Mama Yew too but I did not dare take the initiative since she never held/bought anything like that despite having been in US for over 2 years previously.

Realised I had already spent over 3k since I touched down on US soil!!

Did not have the chance to see/speak with YSH today.

I miss YSH.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Entry for Thurs Jan-14th

Typical day for me.
Went to Suzzallo Library.
The most popular library in UW.
Went up the Grand Stair case to the reading room.
Reminds me of libraries you see in movies like Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons.
Simply awesome.

Mugged in the reading room with YX for a couple of hours.
Boredom eventually got the better of me and we went off.
Still a real interesting place and I will definitely go back for more.

Went to University Bookstore (UBS) to get my facial moisturizer finally.
Face had been flaking.
And when I apply the body moisturizer, I get pimples break out.

Clinique Facial Moisturizer: USD20 plus tax.
After purchase of moisturizer, YX and I went back to my apartment for dinner.
Mark and Daryl prepared the food.
We had aglio olio and red win pasta with tuna.
Sumptous dinner.
Not of world-class standard dinners but the company that was there was simply superb.
It was 11pm. 3 hours had passed even before we knew it (how time flies when you're enjoying.)
I did not really help out in the cooking. Seems like most people here already know how to cook.
I always thought don't-know-how-to-cook = macho and manly.
Turn out that know-how-to-cook = sexy and reliable.
I miss YSH.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

SSA Dinner

Entry for Jan-08-2010.

Notice that I have started using the Month-Day-Year date format.
The American style.
Have to get used to it else I will have give the wrong dates on my assignments.

Slept/you-tubed/msn-ed the entire day.
Wasted the day.

Singapore Students' Association (SSA) Dinner.

Dinner was at an Italian restaurant along the Ave.
Mama Melina (4759, Roosevlet Ave NE)

It was a crappy dinner.
USD20 per head.
We were served "family-style" pasta.
They gave large plated of barely edible pasta and expected us to eat it.
Payment was by head count. I was seating at the middle table.
There were several dished that totally bypassed my table.
Crappy service.
Treated us like F.O.B. (Fresh Out of Boat)

After the dinner, all of us went to a senior's place.
He stayed 15 blocks North of our area and we went to his place for simple gathering.
Turn out that there was booze aplenty.
The night was kind of interesting.
One side, was my good friend playing classical piano,
The other was crazy people rocking to a Rock"n"Roll game on Xbox.
I was flittering between the two.
More to the piano though.
Quite a scene.
Mark, Daryl and myself were singing to the songs that Yixiang played on the piano.
YX is incredible.
He could play any song that he hears.
Talented chap.

Anyway, the day ended early,
all left before 12am.
We kind of messed up the Senior's house.
But it was all for a happy occassion.
Enoyed it.

I miss YSH.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Entry for 5th Jan

No class on Tuesdays.
Spent the entire day on just one module that has little weightage.

Went gymn with friends in the evening.
Best gymn I'd ever been.
Fantastic facilities.
Plenty of machines.
America is really the homeground for sports.
Totally unlike Singapore.
After 6pm, people, started swarming into the gymn like it Cineleisure.
I love this culture.
I was planning to do cardio, running then a little sit-up/Chin-ups/Push-ups.
Turn out that right after my run.
The fire alarm went off.
Stopped and went out of the building into the cold.
There was no visible fire.
Within minutes, the fireman arrived.
Turned out that there was indeed no fire.
The fireman exited the building.
As they left, they had to weave pass the immense crowd (gymn goers who had evacuated outside).
Some crazy kids started whistling and applauding the fireman as they passed.
They were obviously embarassed. Could see the fireman's shy smile.
Quite comical.

Had dinner with Mark at a worn down Jap restaurant, Tokyo Garden.
All 5 of us ordered the Tue Special, Teriyaki chicken and beef.
So I decided to change to Sushi Set B instead.
Turn out to be RAW sushi.
Hated it. Luckily one of my very nice friend offered to exchange his Tue Special with me. =)
Dinner was cheap, but not great.
Grocery shopping.

I miss YSH.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First day at school (Entry for 4th Jan 2010, Mon)

First entry.
First day at in school.

Woke up 5 min behind time, but still way early.
Was not the best of weather though. Rained the entire day!!
Light shower.
TERMINATOR jacket was enough to withstand the light rain.

  • Almost knocked down by car twice.
First time, it was GO sign, but the car die die want to chiong.
Almost touched me but managed to stop in time.

Second time, at the same junction, I was waiting for the GO sign. Upon GO, I stopped and let the other pedestrians pass first. True enough, a car die die want to chiong. Almost hit one of the Ang Moh student. Driver was a girl. I just stood ground and watched. Haha.

  • Running around UW like a lost sheep, looking for the Prof and adivsors to enroll for the courses that I want.

I miss YSH.