Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beautiful San Juan Islands - Marathon JUN 05-06 2010

Incredible View at Abandoned Harbor

Photo captured less 1% of what was seen, felt, experienced.


Simple bike I used for touring

Day 1: June 05 2010, Saturday
Took an early ferry to San Juan Islands form Pier 69.
Quite an interesting 4-hour ride. Thought I saw some big marine creature, but couldn't confirm. Anyway, I saw this big fat sea-lion-like mammal lying on the bouy. Interesting.
Met a new friend on board. Think her name was Ally. A 30 year-old social worker from New York. Interesting character. Talked the most weird stuff.
Reached San Juan Islands.
Checked into cosy Wayfarer's Rest. It was kind of different from the rest. It was a self check-in inn.
Spent the next 5 hours cycling more than half the island. The island was incredible. Scenic is an understatement.
There several hotspots of Orca(Killer Whales) sightings. Free. But I was feeling too cold and tired to stay for long. Was told the Orca pod would arrive around 7pm. It was then 4+pm. But getting cold already. I had cycled really alot then. And was really cold and worn out. Turned back towards Wayfarer's Rest instead. Super tiring. Each slope that I went up, I walked. Haha. Really shagged. Saw the mini airfield. Reminded me of the days in Tamworth. Really simple, but incredibly beautiful.

Every other household had their own animals. But this white horse stood out a little more.

Wild deers grazing front yards of unsuspecting households

Day 2: June 06 2010, Sunday - Day of Marathon
Was not the best of weather for a marathon. Kind of gloomy and wet. Rained quite an amount in the morning. However, it stopped the upon flag off. Quite a pleasant surprise. Ran a decent time of 4:36. Realised I had cycled the entire Marathon route the day before. How funny. Haha.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Memorial Weekend MAY 29-31 2010

Spent the long weekend in Seattle with Mark.
The rest had gone Portland for the outlet mall shopping, yet again.

Went Northgate. Bought special items. Haha.
Caught Shrek 4 - Forever After.

Bellevue. The land of the rich. The entire place was pretty boring. The hotels and the shopping centers reminded me of Paragon, the atas category.

Did not go out today. Did my final conditioning run for the upcoming San Juan Marathon run. Clocked 21 miles. Felt great.
In the evening, went REI to buy the Gregory backpack.

Miss YSH.