Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sex Class - APR 21 2010

Did I ever mention I'm taking up a very interesting course this Spring?
Psychology - Human Sexuality.

It is probably going to be the most interesting course that I will ever take in life.
They actually play sex video in class!!

Learnt much about the female body. Make me want explore her body so badly. To love her in a different way than before. If only I had taken this course earlier.

Today, they taught pregnancy.
It suddenly dawned onto me why YSH was so awed by Liz's pregnancy.
I learnt it is almost a sacred ritual that all women have to through. And it not just the woman, but her loved ones too. Especially the father of the baby.
I can't imagine myself going through this with any other woman besides her. I want to experience the joys and pains of conception to birth with her and only her. To me, it seems, a woman is most beautiful when she is carrying a baby in her womb.
I wonder when the moment would ever come when I get to see my wife carrying my flesh and blood within her womb.

L.A. Trip APR 18-19 2010

APR 18 2010
Knotts Berry Farm.
A theme park suited more for young children.
Had a boring time over there.

APR 19 2010

Santa Monica Beach I - Vast Beach

Santa Monica Beach II - Jetty View

Santa Monica Beach III - Shoreline

The guys went to Universal Studios. I went to Santa Monica Beach alone.
Was there for like only 2-3 hours but I totally enjoyed every minute of it.
The peace and quiet, the vast expanse of the beach, the cooling sea breeze, the soothing sound of the waves crashing ashore, the clear blue sky, the never-ending reach of the blue ocean.
I had a wonderful time just lying on the sand, tanning, feeling the breeze. Finally understand why there are always so many Ang Mohs love Sentosa beach despite the hot sun. Because they don't get it often in US, especially during winter.
Went to UCLA too. Beautiful school (lacks UW though.)

Reached back home around 12am. Missed Mark.
Haha. He was so happy to us too. Haha.

Monday, April 19, 2010

L.A. Trip APR 17 2010

It is our free & easy day today.

We travelled from Anaheim (Disneyland area) to Long Beach. Apparently they had some Toyota Grand Prix event. So we went all the way up to a Venice Beach instead. Reminded me of Thai beaches even though I have never actually been to any before. The beach itself is full of Latinos with much shophouses like those we might find in a developing country.

I walked like half the entire length of the beach with Daryl. Spent 2 hours over walking and talking on the beach with him.
Reminded of the days I used to spend with her on Sentosa, albeit very brief ones.

Miss YSH.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

L.A. Trip APR 16 2010

Disneyland & California Adventure Park

Disneyland is a dreamland.
Beautiful and magical.
Simply amazing.
Makes me so want to one day bring my loved one over.


Tigger =)

California Park is right next to Disneyland. It is in fact another Disneyland with more thrill rides. Its rides are much milder as compared with 6 Flags though.

California Adventure Park

Saturday, April 17, 2010

L.A. Trip - APR 15-16 2010

APR 15 2010, Thursday.
Turned in very late last night.
Arrived in L.A. around 10pm.
Rented car around 11pm.
Checked into Quality Inn Hotel at Korea Town around 12am.
Supper at a Korean restaurant, BCD Tofu House till 1-2am. (Think I have seriously fallen for Korean food already. Haha.)
Sleep 2-3am.

Then woke up around 9am to go 6 Flags Magic Mountain Theme park.
They have rides of different "thrill-level ratings".
We went to one with "moderate" ratings first.
Unfortunately, on my first ride, I was once again complacent.
Thought the ride was too easy, flinged my hands freely in the air, then happened to strain my neck as the cart took a sharp turn.
Carried a stiff neck for the rest of the day.

6 Flags Magic Mountain was no child's play. It gave me the chance to experience probably the best ride(X2) I ever will have in my life. X2 is a next-generation roller coaster that has 360 degrees rotating seats.
As said, I carried a stiff neck for the entire day. Also, I started feeling nauseous after taking some of the other roller coaster rides.
Reminds me of the time at Liz's baby girl's birthday party at Escape Theme Park.
I had a terrible heahache after like only 2 rides on the Pirate's Ship. Haha.

After 6 Flags, we went to Little Tokyo area for dinner.
Dinner was a simple Japanese meal. The desert however, was fantastic. Yougurt Land has probably the best yougurt I ever tried.

Checked in Wilshire Plaza Hotel (in Korea Town) around 11pm. It was probably a 4-star hotel. Not too bad a hotel. Slept around 2-3am again.

Miss YSH.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mount Rainier, APR 09-13 2010

Have been REALLY REALLY busy the past few days.
Managed only 4-5 hours of sleep per night. Finally able to breathe a little better today.
Here goes.

APR 09, Friday
Pretty mundane day. Last minute decision to go Mount Rainier.
Slept around 3+ am.

Mount Rainier, APR 10, Staurday
Woke up early morning to get car from downtown.
Took about 2 hours + to reach Mount Rainier with one 30-minute breakfast stop.
Real challenging journey. Almost dozed off a handful of times.
Reached Mount Rainier.

Glacier River

Awesome place. Snow appeared as soon as we passed the ticketing entrance.
Plan was to do a 5+ hour trek in the snow. As we drove up. We saw a number of trails. But it turned out that it was not possible to trek without the proper gears (snowshoes). Haha. Ended up playing with snow and simply enjoying the scenery and time spent on the active mountain.


Did a few stupid stuff. Snow was very thick. Besides flinging snow at each other, I kept racing Andy on the snow. Each race always started with Andy cheat starting ahead of count, then me pushing him down. Finally I winning. Haha. Restrooms was not common on the mountains. But each time we went pass a toilet, I passed up the chance to use. I was insistent on peeing on some white pristine snow to see the effects. Er xin. Haha.

Little Snow Figures

APR 11, Sunday
Really shagged from Saturday's silly racing and snow fighting stuff. No strength to go exercise/gymn. Went for lunch with Mark and Andy around 3pm. Finally mustered the motivation to run at Green Lake Park around 630pm. Went back to University West (my original apartment) with Andy and Mark for dinner with Wendy, Daryl and Zelin. Fabulous dinner. Totally missing the dishes in Singapore.

APR 12, Monday
Typical day. Went to school. After school, exercised/slacked/talked cock/relaxed with Mark and Andy. Sleep.

APR 13, Tuesday
Day before L.A. trip. Not exactly excited somehow. Have been there after all. Haha.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Night APR 04 10


It's Easter Sunday!
Snow today was the best since I started skiing/snowboarding.
Powder form. Superb for winter activities.
Apparently I enjoyed the least today. Haha.
Blame it all on MLH. Keep popping up in my mind and heart!! =P
Apparently, this photo was the most enjoyable time of the entire day.

Check out that idiot in the video!

I miss YSH.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Chapter in Life. APR-02-10

It's Friday night.
I am supposedly still waiting for the answer.
But not anymore I guess.
I know what I should do already.

Just returned from Muse concert.
No particular interest in such stuff.
Last minute decision to go.
Needed to take my mind off my love for some time.
Apparently it din't work very well.

Remove Formatting from selection
Check out this Muse Video.

I miss YSH still.