Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sex Class - APR 21 2010

Did I ever mention I'm taking up a very interesting course this Spring?
Psychology - Human Sexuality.

It is probably going to be the most interesting course that I will ever take in life.
They actually play sex video in class!!

Learnt much about the female body. Make me want explore her body so badly. To love her in a different way than before. If only I had taken this course earlier.

Today, they taught pregnancy.
It suddenly dawned onto me why YSH was so awed by Liz's pregnancy.
I learnt it is almost a sacred ritual that all women have to through. And it not just the woman, but her loved ones too. Especially the father of the baby.
I can't imagine myself going through this with any other woman besides her. I want to experience the joys and pains of conception to birth with her and only her. To me, it seems, a woman is most beautiful when she is carrying a baby in her womb.
I wonder when the moment would ever come when I get to see my wife carrying my flesh and blood within her womb.

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